Varietatea mare de ingrediente active incluse in formula sa incurajeaza fenomenele naturale ale reparatiei celulare, reducand in acelasi timp tulburarile din tesutul pielii. PH-ul sau se afla in limitele fiziologice ale pH-ului, asigurand astfel nivel optim de toleranta a pielii.
Fiecare flacon din gama c.prof contine cantitatea de ingrediente active necesara pentru o sesiune individuala si pentru a asigura un rezultat optim pe parcursul intregului tratament.
Cocktail-uri profesionale pentru mezoterapie
c.prof este o linie exclusiva de cocktail-uri cu ingrediente active care ofera solutii eficiente pentru principalele probleme din estetica faciala si corporala.

C.PROF. 210 Depigmentation Solution

Melanogeneza consta in productia de melanina in interiorul melanocitelor , celule situate in stratul de baza al epidermei ce actioneaza ca si o bariera fotoprotectoare.
Substratul de baza al productiei de melanina este un amino acid numit tirozina ce ajunge la melanozomi printr-un proces de difuzie prin sinteza anterioara degradarii phenylaninei. Apoi, in melanozomi, tironidaza transforma tirozina in eumelanina si in pheomelanina printr-o serie de procese oxidative.
Cocktail-ul pentru depigmentare C.Prof. 210 Depigmentation solution este o combinatie forte de substante active cu proprietati de albire, corectie modificări pigmentare si actiune antioxidanta. Inhiba tirozina, incetinește sinteza melaninei si uniformizeaza tonul pielii, da strălucire si vitalitate.
Substanțe active:
Acidul tranexamic: interfereaza cu interactiunea dintre melanocite și keratinocite.
Nicotinamida: suprima transferul de melanoame
N-acetil glucozamină: inhibă modificarea post-transcripționala de tirozină.
Vitamina C: antioxidant și efect de strălucire.
Nota: Pachetul contine 5 tratamente complete pentru fata, gat, decolteu si maini. Protocolul poate fi completat si cu alte fiole din gama X Prof. sau Mesohyal.
C.PROF 211 Photoaging Solution

Procesul de fotoaging este indus de expunerea continua la razele ultraviolete.Acesta conduce la deteriorari moleculare si structurale ale pielii cum ar fi: formarea de radicali liberi, reducerea sintezei de colagen, degradarea elastinei, subtierea epidermei, etc.
Cocktail-ul C.Prof. 211 Photoaging solution contracareaza semnele imbatranirii datorita proprietatilor de fotoprotectie, antioxidant, hidratare si fermitate. Protejează pielea impotriva agresiunii mediului si alti factori, cum ar fi: stresul, oboseala, fumatul, poluarea, etc
Corectează ridurile fine, contracarează pierderea tonusului și da luminozitate.
Substanțe active:
Acid hialuronic: hidratare eficienta, este capabil să rețină de mii de ori greutatea sa în apă
Idebenon: proprietăți fotoprotectie și anti radicali liberi
Taurina: antioxidant, hidratare și protecția ADN-ului celular
Vitamina C: stimulează sinteza de colagen, are efect antioxidant si antirid
Nota: Pachetul contine 5 tratamente complete pentru fata, gat, decolteu si maini. Protocolul poate fi completat si cu alte fiole din gama X Prof. sau Mesohyal.
C.PROF. 213 Mesotox Solution

Reducing and preventive action in wrinkles
There are three basic proteins forming the structure of the skin, fibrin, elastin and collagen. When these are damaged, expression lines appear, as a result of the natural contraction of facial muscles. Several factors make more visible this type of skin aging, such as the passage of time, sun exposure, lifestyle and other environmental or extrinsic factors.
c.prof 213 mesotox solution acts dually on expression lines, reducing the existing ones and preventing the appearance of new ones. Its unique combination of synergistic peptides works in the inhibition of the skin microcontractions that cause this type of wrinkles.
Treatment of expression lines, particularly those located on the forehead and eye contour. Also used as enhancer of botulinum toxin effectiveness.
Acetyl Hexapeptide-8. Regulates and reduces the contraction of dynamic wrinkles.
Niacinamide. Stimulates collagen synthesis, enhancing redensification.
Pentapeptide-18. Inhibits skin micro-contractions. Prevents the formation of lines and wrinkles.
C.PROF. 214 Mesopeptide Solution

Redensifying action with lifting effect
The loss of facial elasticity and firmness is the result of the weakening of the structure of supporting tissues, collagen and elastin. There are several causes, one of the most common being chronological aging, as proteins that maintain the skin firm and adhered to the muscles loses tonicity over time.
c.prof 214 mesopeptide solution enhances redensification of the dermis thanks to the inclusion of last-generation biomimetic peptides. Improves the firmness and structure of the cellular matrix.
Treatment of thin, aged skins, loss of facial oval definition and facial flaccidity.
Palmitoyl Tripeptide-5. Stimulates collagen synthesis. Removes wrinkles. Tightens and moisturises the skin.
Hyaluronic acid. Highly moisturising.
Acetyl Tetrapeptide-9. Improves skin tissues stimulating Lumican, and achieves optimum, functional arrangement of collagen fibres. Increases the density of the dermis and improves skin firmness.
C.PROF 220 Draining Solution

Exista numeroase cauze ce conduc la disfunctionalitati ale sistemului limfatic cum ar fi: stresul, lipsa activitatii fizice, dieta necorespunzatoare, folosirea anumitor medicamente, factori genetici, etc.Acesti factori influenteaza retentia de lichide si impidica circulatia conducand la un drenaj limfatic lent, acumularea de toxine, aparitia celulitei, senzatie de greutate.
Cocktail-ul C.Prof 220 Draining solution are efect decongestionant, de drenaj si venotonic.De asemenea are efect antioxidant si de fermitate.Poate fi folosit ca si un pretratament de drenaj inaintea altor tratamente lipolitice.
Substante active:
Melilot: anti-inflamator, anti-edematos si proprietati diuretice
Rutin: venotonic, reduce permeabilitatea capilarelor
Ginkgo Biloba: stimuleaza microcirculatia si are efect tonic si antioxidant
Escin: vasoconstructiv, antiedematos si venotonic
C.PROF. 221 Lipolytic Solution

Hipoderma este formata din numeroase adipocite strabatuta de o serie de fluide nutritive ce functioneaza ca un suport al pielii si elimina toxinele.In anumite circumstante, adipocitele isi maresc dimensiunea, impiedicand drenajul.Acesta produce ingrosarea fluidului intercelular ce interfereaza cu micro-circulatia si formarea celulitei.
Cocktail-ul C.Prof 221 Lipolytic solution actioneaza asupra numerosilor receptori lipolitici si enzime pentru a reduce dimensiunea si numarul adipocitelor.Cocktail-ul poate fi utilizat si ca o faza intermediara a unui tratament complet de reducere a dimensiunilor, dupa faza de drenaj.
Substante active:
Artichoke extract: proprietati diuretice
L-carnitina: transporta acizii grasi in mitocondrii unde sunt transformati in energie.
Theophyline: blocheaza receptorul membranei adipociteI producand cresterea hidrolizei trigliceridelor in glycerol si acizi grasi
Organic Silicon: stimuleaza proliferarea fibroblastelor si incurajeaza productia de colagen
C.PROF. 222 Body Firming Solution

Flaciditatea pielii este determinata de pierderea turgiditatii, elasticitatii si tonusului, modificari evidente la palpare.Exista numerosi factori ce cauzeaza aceste modificari dintre care amintim ciclul incetinit de reinoire a colagenului, subtierea paniculului adipos si a tesuturilor support ca si consecinta a slabirii rapide, sarcina,etc.
Cocktailu-ul C.Prof 222 body firming solution are un efect trofic asupra pielii, da fermitate si stimuleaza sinteza tesutului conjunctiv.Ideal de utilizat pentru coapse, posterior, abdomen, bust si brate.
Ca si parte componenta a unui tratament complex, aceasta faza poate fi folosita la finalul tratamentului dupa faza de slabit (reducere a volumului).
Substante active:
DMAE: proprietati de fermitate pentru un effect imediat de lifting
Sodium pyruvate: stimuleaza sinteza amino acizilor si regenerarea colagenului
Organic Silicon: stimuleaza proliferarea fibroblastelor si incurajeaza productia de colagen
Hydroxyproline: fermitate, luminozitate
C.PROF. 223 Skinmark Solution

Restructuring action for skin lesions
Distension stretchmarks reflect a breakage occurring in the dermis connective tissue and shown externally as skin atrophy. They are usually located in growth areas (hips, flanks or periumbilical area), as well as those with a marked hormonal influence (breasts and thighs). They may be also related to the long-term use of topical corticoids.
c.prof 223 skinmark solution stimulates cell repair and re-structures the rupture of the protein network of the dermis. Provides hydration, elasticity and firmness to the skin.
Prevention and reduction of stretchmarks. Also indicated for the treatment of post-acne scars.
X-DNA. Reactivation of cell mechanisms: repair and regeneration.
Organic silicon. Restructuring action.
Chlorella vulgaris extract. Increases collagen synthesis.
Darutoside. More regular tissue regeneration.
C.PROF. 224 Cellulishock Solution

Cellulite reducing action
Cellulite or lipodystrophy is a connective tissue disorder that involves an abnormal accumulation of water and toxins in the subcutaneous tissue, which is caused by the slowing down of circulation, hypertrophy of adipose cells and, finally, hardening of adipose tissue. The most common triggering factors are hormonal changes, sedentariness, inadequate diet, genetics…
c.prof 224 cellulishock solution promotes the activation of the metabolism and breakdown of fatty acids, reducing adipocyte volume. It contains properties that increase vein tone and improve microcirculation.
Treatment of cells in all their forms and degrees of evolution and reduction of fat nodules.
Caffeine. Activates the metabolism of fatty acids. Regulates lipogenesis and stimulates lipolysis.
Rutin. Reinforces the vessel wall. Reduces capillary permeability.
Capsaicin. Increases oxygen and nutrient supply to the adipose tissue, with subsequent fat tissue improvement.
Carnitine. Stimulates mobilisation and degradation of fatty acids.
C.PROF. 230 Hair Loss Solution

Anti-hair loss and strengthening action
Hair loss occurs due to a progressive reduction of growth follicle cycles as a result of hormonal changes, stress, pregnancies or passage of time. In addition, hair can be damaged by external agents or by lifestyle, which results in an appearance of dehydration and lack of vitality. Stimulation of the hair follicle and increased blood flow help strengthen the root and prevent hair fall, achieving a more resistant hair.
c.prof 230 hair loss solution generates a powerful protective effect that stimulates the hair follicle It stops hair aging, revitalising and strengthening hair, while improving microcirculation and providing nutrients to the follicle, thus reducing hair loss.
Treatment of hair problems and fall or loss of density.
Copper Tripeptide-1. Hair growth factor. Promotes vascularisation around the hair follicle and enriches it.
Vit-B complex (Dexpanthenol and Biotin). Revitalises, conditions and moisturises the skin and hair.
Pyridoxine. Increases blood flow in the scalp.
Capsaicin. Increases blood flow in the hair follicles, stimulating hair growth. Prolongs the growth phase during transition from anagen to telogen.